What If E01


What if I were an animal

I was scrolling my Pinterest when I came across a post questioning which animal would you choose if you could turn into one?

Like everybody, I too found the question fascinating and stimulating to answer.

Many of you may have come across this question, be it in your conversations with friends, in some interviews, in a game or your teacher giving the same topic for your essay.

More than two third of the people when asked never really think about the qualities and traits of the animal they say, they just say it because they find that animal likeable. And this gives an idea that they don’t really have a strong decision making personality nor do they really think on something.

The right way to answer this is by carefully thinking of the qualities you possess and then matching it with an animal having the same traits. For example, ask yourself some questions like: are you a peace-loving like cow or ferocious like a tiger, are you a leader like a lion or follower like a sheep, are you hardworking like a bee or lazy like a bear.

So here’s me telling how I answered this question when asked.

DISCLAIMER: The article here is a piece of satirical comment on the issue of animal abuse. And does not, in any sense supports any discrimination or brutality to any of the animals .Thereby criticizes such practices.

P.S. it was really hard for me to research and find out such brutal and shameful incidents. I could not even incorporate real pictures as they could have been so disturbing for readers.

If I could turn into an animal I would like to be an elephant.

Elephants are intelligent, a little bit introverted and diligent. These beautiful big creatures are so loyal and usually work together in small groups. They complete their each and every work with immense determination and focus. These kind creatures reflect the ability to stay focused on small objectives that are impactful to the greater herd. And I’m a little bit like them and want to inherit all their positive traits.

But wait Is It safe to be an elephant? 

What if they made me balance on dull round structures in a circus?

And what about the recent incident that took place in a village of  Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram where a pregnant elephant had strayed in search of food and was walking on the streets when some of the locals fed it the pineapple stuffed with crackers and the innocent soon-to-be-mother elephant died with her child inside her after it exploded in her mouth. All this occurred even after when the Tusker did not hurt anyone.

What if I meet the same fate?

But it’s okay... Elephants are just animals. Right?

Animals are just to do our slavery work. We, humans are superior ...we can use them for our ill-sadistic pleasures.

Let me think of another…

How about dolphins?

Oh yes they are lively, social, happy sea creatures. Dolphins are agile, lovely beauties with brains usually found in groups. I would love to experience the sea life. I want to swim through the deepest of deep oceans until the water seeps through my skin and becomes a part of me. I want to swim miles and miles across the territories freely. It would be a lovely experience to know how it feels to be underwater. I have always find aquatic life magical. Also it matches with my personality. I really admire dolphins.

But wait Is It safe to be a dolphin?

What if I got caught by a fisherman and they incarcerate me and then use for their entertainment shows?

“Millions of animal lovers every year are led to believe that dolphin shows and experiences sold by some of the world’s largest travel companies are cruelty-free, educational, and beneficial for conservation efforts,” states the recent reports. “This could not be further from the truth. Rather, the industry is reaping billions of dollars in profits off the cruel captivity of dolphins kept for entertainment.”

What about how the seas and oceans are polluted with poisonous chemicals and plastics nowadays.

What if I die because of them?

How will I enjoy my sea life then?

But it’s okay... Dolphins are just fishes. Right?

Animals are meant to entertain us so we can make good amount of laugh out of their stunts and tricks regardless of their real situation.

So let me think of some other animal...

Oh yes a tiger or a lion would be perfect...

They are beautiful ferocious beasts full of pride and provided with a good sense of leadership. They demonstrate quick thinking and intelligence. I’m sure they’ll be a popular choice when answering this question. They have such beautiful skin. 

Who doesn’t want to be a tiger .Huh?

But wait is it safe to be a lion or tiger?

I know tigers and lions are at the top of the food chain but... what about protection from humans?

What if I get killed by hunters and poachers?

What if they lock me in a zoo?

I can't live in a small petty place where they feed you the same boring meat every day.

Tigers are endangered in India with counting of only 3500 remaining.. Poaching is the principal threat to tigers in the wild, many parts of the body particularly bones, skin, and meat, are coveted on the market to prepare various products useful in traditional Asian medicine, which have no proven efficacy.

Two brothers by by Jean-Jacques Annaud is one of the films showcasing this actuality.

But it’s okay they’re just wild beasts. Right?

It’s not our folly if their skins and bones fetch us a good amount of green paper.

They are just animals and should be hunt down so we can fetch money.

So yeah I have to think of another now…

Yeah!  Ants!

An ant may seem like a strange choice of animal to represent yourself, nut they are hard workers, committed to working as a team, and often achieve very impressive results despite their tiny size. Appearances and size can be deceptive.

But what if I get killed by coming under their feet. Well yes that’s not their mistake but we have to suffer. And what about pest control?

Definitely not the right choice.

But it’s okay they don’t give a damn if they have killed an ant. It was just an ant as if it never had any life in it.

How on earth could I forget dogs!

Dogs are lovable, so loyal and amiable little creatures full of life.

Yes I have decided I want to be a dog.

But wait is it safe to be a dog?

Will human beings behave nicely with me?

But what about the recent incident where a dog was gang raped by four men in Mumbai. The dog was found the next day bleeding heavily and mutilated genitalia. He sadly died on the next day and the real culprit fled away after this incident.

But it's okay they’re just animals. Right? 

It is Okay to torture them, beat them, to brutalize them.They just don't feel anything… they don't have emotions.

Animals are there so that these humans [I don't think I should call them humans ; for humans are sane] can torture them and enjoy their sadistic pleasure

Do you know how much fine you have to pay if you kill  a dog . INR 50?

Yes, you heard me right less than $1 because we don't care if a dog lives or die.

Okay moving on...

 How about goat?


I mean goats are cute little creatures. They’re very resilient. . One of the best things to say about a goat is that it is ready for the climb ahead. It is willing to send itself great distances to climb the highest of mountains to find resources. It is a symbol of “the sky is the limit.”

But is it safe to be a goat?

What if I get butchered for my flesh for there are many rituals and festivals powering the same. This very thing doesn’t do anything good rather turns a goat into a scapegoat.

No that's not a really good choice as well.

Okay let me give one last try

What about birds?

Oh yes the birds! They are free, free to fly, fly in the limitless sky.

But one last time, is it safe to be a bird?

What if I have to spend my whole life in a cage?

Will I be truly called a bird but then?

A research has found that birds are dying because of cell phone tower radiation .If not dying they are being heavily impacted upon by these radiations.We rarely see much bevy in the sky these days.

But it’s okay … they are just birds. Right?




Nor the grassland or sea neither the sky ….where are animals in true sense safe?

Is it just because those innocent creatures can’t talk, they are inferior and we, the so called humans are superior?

What can we inculcate from all these facts?

Look inside yourself and answer who is the truly the beast here?


Animals are like a benediction created by god and should be treated preciously. Atleast if you can't understand their agony and predicament, don't be one of the contributing reasons.

"Anyone who has no feelings for an animal has a dead heart"

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Spread love. Bye.


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